Does your Segway need repair but you aren’t sure where to take it? Or, alternatively, do you know that your Segway requires parts and you want the very best for it? Every Segway is a unique machine, unlike anything else. You can’t really take one to a traditional mechanic. Nor, on the other hand, are you likely to want to have to do the repairs yourself. We can help. Here at AIC Motorsports, we offer genuine authorized Segway repair.
Authorized Segway Repair Experts
We provide professional repair for your Segways products, specifically, Ninebot Segway products. If you have an eMoped C80, a Dirt eBike X160, or a Dirt eBike X260, we can repair it. Moreover, we can make it run exactly how you would like. Here at AIC Motorsports, we only employ the very best Segway repair professionals. Hired for their experience as well as their technical know-how, they use the most up to date methods to ensure that your Segway products keep those wheels spinning and adding on the miles. Our repairs can protect your investment.
Segway Repairs with Original Segway Parts
Our trained Segway repair experts don’t just do the repairs. Rather, if necessary, they’ll utilize the best in original Segway parts. See, in addition to offering repairs, we also are the only place certified to sell actual parts from Segways. Thus, we’re able to use those in your repairs. So, you never have to worry about any “universal” parts going into your Segways, or anything “aftermarket,” or anything that’s less than the best. We use actual Segway parts in actual Segway repairs. That way, you get the most out of your every Segway ride.

The Segway Repair Experience
The repair process is actually easier than many people think. Really, all you have to do is to fill in the repair form at our site and then select the desired service. From there, our team will email you as quickly as possible. Once that’s done, you’ll pay for the shipping and provide the return label. Then, we’ll thoroughly inspect your Segway. If there’s any additional repairs you need, we’ll let you know. Our experts will go through your Segway inch by inch, making sure that it runs as you want. Then, we’ll send it back to you. It really can be that easy.
Trust the Best
You put a lot into your Segway. You’ve put money, sure, but you also put in the time. Whether you’re riding your Segway yourself or it’s for family, co-workers, or others, quite literally, a lot is running on your Segway. So, you want to be able to take care of it as much as possible. That’s where we can come in. We have the original, high-caliber parts that can make your Segway what you want it to be, yes, but we also have the repair specialists who can treat it right. For the best in Segway repair, contact us here.